As promised, I finally took the camera over to the greenhouses. It is amazing how quickly they fill up. We need more space already!
If you go back a couple of blogs, you can compare how full they were just a month ago compared to now!
Some of the plants I love to see arrive are the coleus cuttings. We have over 40 varieties rooting , that will be ready to pot up in a week or so. Aren’t the colors wonderful?!!
Another new plant this year is a Begonia called ‘Art Hodes’. Look at the purple hairs on that leaf…it gives an iridescent glow!
Another neat plant is a succulent. This one is Echeveria ‘Red Glo’. Just look at the curly red edges on the leaves. We have LOTS of different succulents growing this year!
Finally, there are some Epimedium blooming now that are really beautiful. Epimedium is a great ground cover for shade, and can even tolerate dry shade. The heart shaped leaves are very attractive, but look at this lovely yellow bloom that occurs in the spring.
Now, you probably know that the greenhouse is normally open this time of year, but we are closed due to flooded roads. The water is now almost 3 1/2′ deep over our road in 3 different places. This means my employees can’t get in to work on transplanting all those plants. It also interrupts deliveries. Here is what we had to do today to bring in 13 boxes of plants that arrived.

Boxes of plants loaded onto our john boat. We have to travel over the backwater shown in the photo to get back to the greenhouse.
We’re running behind with the transplanting right now, but once the roads clear and my employees are back we’ll catch up in no time!
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